Love these BIG BORE cruiser!! Vulcan 2000 LT with bags, pipes, LED, backrest, grips, crash bars, air filter and oil just done and only 12,384 miles $4975.00
Body Style | Motorcycle |
Year | 2008 |
Model | VN2000J8F VULCAN LT |
Mileage | 12,384 |
Stock Number | C00074 |
30,989 Miles, Motorcycle, 903, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $3,195
30,076 Miles, Motorcycle, 900, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $2,995
8,040 Miles, Motorcycle, 903, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $3,995
26,396 Miles, Motorcycle, 1553, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $2,995
21,917 Miles, Motorcycle, 1670, AUTOMATIC,
Price: $3,995